What we do

We specialise in eco cleaning & personal use products in returnable or, reusable containers.


Our products contain only naturally sourced ingredients, and are vegan and animal cruelty free. They're not only kinder to the planet, but kinder to everyone who shares your home, including your pets!

Join the growing number of households switching to the 5L Jerry refills, developed for ultimate convenience. It's operated on the basis that our customers return our containers to us for reuse and the benefits are many – The 5L reusable containers give you months of refills at home and are more economical to purchase. It also has a big impact on our transportation footprint by reducing the number deliveries we make. There are no cons, except you won’t see our happy face at your door so often!

Our Flexible Service gives you complete control over what you buy. Refills are available in a range of sizes, from as little as 100ml/g to our largest 5L size, bringing you the most sustainable and economical service possible. You can also shop our range of bottles that not only look fab on your shelves, but can be refilled time and time again.

Join the Unpacked community enjoying this easy zero-waste experience, we can’t wait to welcome you onboard. Want to know more? head over to our FAQ's page here.



Unpacked can greatly improve the green credentials of your company. If you would like to know more or, view our wholesale price lists, we'd love to hear from you! 

Email: hello@unpackedgib.com   

Mobile:  54013313.


Store Location

We have recently moved to our new location within the Retrenchment block area at Lathbury Road. Before heading up the rock, turn right and under the bridge, follow Lathbury Road behind the new sports stadium and onward into Retrenchment Block.